Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Webcomic Wednesday: Homestuck

        Hello my lovelies and welcome on this warm evening to no other than, A Daily Dash of Nerd! Can you tell I watch a lot of YouTube videos? To me that sounded like it could be on a YouTube intro. Anyway so it's summer, and at mid-July it is getting pretty warm. Personally I wouldn't go outside if it is 90 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer but then again I am an indoors type of gal. If you agree and you have some time to spare, or a lot of time to spare in that matter, I have just the thing! With that said, today I would like to discuss one of my favorite webcomics and actually the first one I was introduced to, Homestuck.
        Before I get started summarizing a bit of Homestuck I would like to talk more about the general idea of what is good to know before starting. Homestuck is over 6,000 pages long so it may take some time reading, I'm a little bit over half way done and I started it a year and a half ago! It is also good to know that Homestuck does use flash so some phones may not be compatible for this. I know my android phone works with Homestuck yet if you have an older phone you may need a computer/laptop to view it. Thirdly, the art style is a bit out there at first but I think it is really cool. I didn't quite understand the look until I figured out one key thing, it is supposed to look like paint, so keep that in mind! I will advise you to pay attention to the background and the Pesterlogs (chatlogs), the main character has cool posters in his room and I suggest looking them up sometime and these chatlogs can be long but do come in play later in the story so it is important to read them. Next, Homestuck can be very complicated, and sometimes it isn't supposed to make sense, yet don't look for answers quite then because everything will be explained later on, promise, if you look it up you would get spoilers! So to summarize this paragraph, your first view of Homestuck may be a bit negative but I suggest continuing a bit more just to try it, originally I thought Homestuck was very dull and slow going but my friend had me keep reading which I am glad I did because it got a lot better and now I am addicted. Oh and by the way, when you stop it SHOULD save your place where you are, however I had complications with this so I suggest just writing down somewhere where you stopped so you don't have to restart.
        And now we can talk about what Homestuck actually is, woohoo! Homestuck is a webcomic, as said before. It is written, illustrated, and animated by Andrew Hussie and is posted on MS Paint Adventures. Homestuck is seen by John Egbert, who I have a picture of below. John is receiving a game in the mail called Sburb. Sburb allows you to pick up and move items around, as well as hold items in a card deck called the Queue Fetch Modus. John enters this game under his friend TT as the server. After getting used to Sburb a it, John goes to look in his telescope, to see no other than a meteor heading straight towards their house! Did John really get the hang of playing the game quite yet? What will they do for protection from the meteor? What will happen when the meteor hits? Read for yourself to find out more at and also I would like to say that that was a summary of act 1, there is far more taking place later on.
~I get excited typing all of this for you guys, can you tell?

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