Sunday, July 20, 2014

Online Game Sunday: Smite

        Greetings everyone and it is finally here, a game summary/review/suggestion thingy woohoo! I apologize I don't do many blog posts about games, I just don't play a lot of them yet hopefully in the future that changes. Anyway here it goes, what all of you have been waiting for, the game Smite.
        Smite is an online game, yet you do have to download the launcher which I will get back to you on. This game is set up in a third-person point of view through different gods/goddesses. Wait, with gods and stuff? Yes, that is correct. Smite, which some of you may have guessed, is a game with multiple gods/goddesses that fight each other. The way Smite is set up, is you have two teams of five players each. These players battle and attempt to destroy the enemy's base. As said before, this is an online game so you can join with friends. However, Smite is set up with five different classes and roles that, in an essence, complete each other. For example one player may be able to take down enemies fast, yet they would not have a good defense strategy and would have to rely off of others to protect them. Therefore, the more diverse your team is, the more advantages your team will have.
        That summary was pretty short and sweet, actually recently I began playing this game and am still trying to find the jist of the game and what not. Because of this I will say no more so I do not give out false information. I do have a few things that would be beneficial to know before you begin though. The launcher you have to download will take a substantial amount of time, for me it took about three hours yet my computer is pretty slow. Also, in order for this to work you also have to install what they call pre-requisites, there will be an option to do this. Three hours to download is quite a lot, so before downloading make sure you have enough memory to do so. On my computer this game takes a bit of time to load because there is so much going on, a lot of detail and what not. My friends have no problem with this though and the game should not cause any bugs.
        This sounds like a heavy action game, and it kind of is, but none of it is gory if that was a concern. So, if you like action games, free games, things to do in your spare time, or looking into cool gods/goddesses, you may like this game. To begin your journey battling with other gods/goddesses, go to and enjoy.

        -I don't know.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

TV Show Saturday: Supernatural

        How do you do today, my nerds? Honestly I am exhausted! Band camp for us started yesterday and I am ready to relax indoors a bit. Personally there is no better way to relax than to get on Netflix and watch a good TV show for me. One of the MANY TV shows I watched and absolutely loved would be Supernatural, so here's a summary and I hope you enjoy.
        Sam and Dean Winchester are two brothers that were dragged into the family business as they grew of age, but this isn't just any family business, it deals with anything supernatural. However, the evils of the supernatural do not look for destruction where it is convenient for those trying to get in the way. With this said, Sam and Dean spend their time driving around the country, staying in cheap hotels, committing credit card fraud, and protecting people from the supernatural. From Pagan Gods to vampires, this suspenseful show deals with any type of myth/belief in your wildest imagination. Yet there is one more thing that makes Supernatural unique, it all takes place in a way where it is plausible in the world we live in today. If you like sci-fi, looking into different myths/beliefs, a bit of action, a little bit of romance, or even some suspense, then Supernatural is the show for you.
        At first Supernatural is a bit slow going, the plot line isn't all that great, yet it slowly builds and gets better. Season One is like this with what appears to be nothing that important, but do not skip this and go on because major details of Season One come back later for a big surprise. This show is amazing, I find it very funny as well. Over time the plot builds a lot and the show stops doing a "monster of the week" type theme as what Season One does.

        I realize I have not done a review/summary on some type of game in a good while, currently I am working on finding a good game that may not be as well known so just know that is in progress for you guys! I'll try to make that worth the wait.

~Until then,

Friday, July 18, 2014

Finally Friday: The Dresden Files Book Series

        Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Tonight it is so nice outside, I may just have to go out and read because if you ask me a nice night spent reading would be pretty difficult to top. Do you have one book that is your absolute favorite? I don't, but I do love these fifteen books equally more than each other. Fifteen books, you might ask? Yes, fifteen, all of which belong to the lovely series called the Dresden Files. Furthermore, it is the Dresden Files I would like to discuss today.
        The Dresden Files, written by the brilliant Jim Butcher, who's picture is seen below. Now I'm sure you all know the stereotype of how a long book/movie series goes...not too well at all. But the Dresden Files? I still can't figure out how Mr. Butcher does it, but book after book they keep on getting better and better. This is a fantasy/mystery series about a wizard.  This wizard's name is Harry Coperfield Blackstone Dresden, who is also the eyes of the Dresden Files. Harry is not just any wizard though, he is Chicago's finest wizard. CHICAGO'S finest wizard?! Yes, that is right! This series does not take place in some bizare universe or anything, but it all takes place in our world! But wait...there's more! Harry Dresden also works for the police to solve crime dealing with the supernatural!
        Back to how stereotypes go, I'm sure these books sound like they surely aren't as good as they sound. If you are thinking that right now, than you are right....the books are even better than they sound! Trust me when I say I had high expectations for the Dresden Files after my friend's summary of it, very similar to the summary I just gave you. Yet Jim Butcher exceeded all of my expectations by a million and one. I highly reccomend sitting down and trying to read these books, they are easy reads and I find the puns Harry ocassionally makes histarical. If you like adventure, a little bit of action, a little bit of romance, and anything sci-fi related you will love this series, and here is a convenient little list of all the books in the series:
1. Storm Front
2. Fool Moon
3. Grave Peril
4. Summer Knight
5. Death Masks
6. Blood Rites
7. Dead Beat
8. Proven Guilty
9. White Night
10. Small Favor
11. Turn Coat
12. Changes
13. Ghost Story
14. Cold Days
15. Skin Game
        As far as any head's up before starting your reading adventue, I have a few things to be aware of. First, there are ocassional swear words in these books. Second, Harry does go into a bit too much detail as far as asappearences go, needless to say he does not "get around" very often. Don't forget eventually there is a bit of romance though! Third, there is a Dresden Files TV show, yet I DO NOT recommend watching it, at all. Please, please, please DO NOT just go watch the TV show because major details are missing in the TV show and quite frankly it isn't all that good. Other than that the book series is absolutely fantastic, so that concludes all my warnings and this overall blog session.

~Until tommorow,

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Musical Thursday: Twenty One Pilots

        Good evening, my nerds! Now today is a very special day, a real treat from me to you, well at least it is for me! The reason why this is a special treat is because I would like to talk about my favorite band, and I LOVE music. When I say I love music, I mean music touches a place in my heart nothing else could touch, it is sacred, it saves my soul. With that said I don't even share music with most of my friends because it is so dear to me, but you guys are special. So who are they, you may ask? They are, Twenty One Pilots.
        Twenty One Pilots is an American band with singer Tyler Joseph and drummer Josh Dun. The band was formed in 2009 in Columbus, Ohio and has a rap-rock sound. Now I cannot stand any rap music, whether it is the derogatory meanings or the tone used I do not appreciate rap music, no offense to those who enjoy rap. Yet Twenty One Pilots isn't rap music, it is so much more. Josh sings/raps about what most teenagers, or anyone in that matter, can relate to. Every single song by Twenty One Pilots has meanings and metaphors left and right. As a starter, I would advise you to go on YouTube and find the song Car Radio. Josh sings about how his car radio broke so he just sits in silence as he drives in this, which reminds us all that sometimes it is good to take a break from all the chaos and the sound around us enjoy the peace of silence.
        Twenty One Pilots has three albums, released in 2009 Twenty One Pilots, released in 2011 Regional at Best, and released in 2013 Vessel. For beginners I would like you to listen to the songs on Vessel first because it has a more structured sound easy for your ears to catch on, something that will get you hungry for more. After that I would advise to progress backwards, so Regional at Best then last but not least Twenty One Pilots. Personally my favorite album is Regional at Best because I feel like I relate to the songs on that album most plus I love the sound given through the album. Unfortunately, Twenty One Pilots is not that well known (fortunately it is not overplayed for this reason) and Regional at Best is no longer on iTunes. Thank goodness for YouTube though, I found the entire album on YouTube but they are working fast to take it down so don't wait to look for it! I feel like this was rather short, hmmm. Surely I am missing something! I suppose this seems so short because there is no easy way to describe the art that Tyler and Josh create.
        This picture seen below is still a bit creepy to me, which may give off a bad first impression to you. I promise they are not creepy or overly weird though!

~Enjoy the listening.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Webcomic Wednesday: Homestuck

        Hello my lovelies and welcome on this warm evening to no other than, A Daily Dash of Nerd! Can you tell I watch a lot of YouTube videos? To me that sounded like it could be on a YouTube intro. Anyway so it's summer, and at mid-July it is getting pretty warm. Personally I wouldn't go outside if it is 90 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer but then again I am an indoors type of gal. If you agree and you have some time to spare, or a lot of time to spare in that matter, I have just the thing! With that said, today I would like to discuss one of my favorite webcomics and actually the first one I was introduced to, Homestuck.
        Before I get started summarizing a bit of Homestuck I would like to talk more about the general idea of what is good to know before starting. Homestuck is over 6,000 pages long so it may take some time reading, I'm a little bit over half way done and I started it a year and a half ago! It is also good to know that Homestuck does use flash so some phones may not be compatible for this. I know my android phone works with Homestuck yet if you have an older phone you may need a computer/laptop to view it. Thirdly, the art style is a bit out there at first but I think it is really cool. I didn't quite understand the look until I figured out one key thing, it is supposed to look like paint, so keep that in mind! I will advise you to pay attention to the background and the Pesterlogs (chatlogs), the main character has cool posters in his room and I suggest looking them up sometime and these chatlogs can be long but do come in play later in the story so it is important to read them. Next, Homestuck can be very complicated, and sometimes it isn't supposed to make sense, yet don't look for answers quite then because everything will be explained later on, promise, if you look it up you would get spoilers! So to summarize this paragraph, your first view of Homestuck may be a bit negative but I suggest continuing a bit more just to try it, originally I thought Homestuck was very dull and slow going but my friend had me keep reading which I am glad I did because it got a lot better and now I am addicted. Oh and by the way, when you stop it SHOULD save your place where you are, however I had complications with this so I suggest just writing down somewhere where you stopped so you don't have to restart.
        And now we can talk about what Homestuck actually is, woohoo! Homestuck is a webcomic, as said before. It is written, illustrated, and animated by Andrew Hussie and is posted on MS Paint Adventures. Homestuck is seen by John Egbert, who I have a picture of below. John is receiving a game in the mail called Sburb. Sburb allows you to pick up and move items around, as well as hold items in a card deck called the Queue Fetch Modus. John enters this game under his friend TT as the server. After getting used to Sburb a it, John goes to look in his telescope, to see no other than a meteor heading straight towards their house! Did John really get the hang of playing the game quite yet? What will they do for protection from the meteor? What will happen when the meteor hits? Read for yourself to find out more at and also I would like to say that that was a summary of act 1, there is far more taking place later on.
~I get excited typing all of this for you guys, can you tell?

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

TV Show Tuesday: Psych

        So today I decided to talk about a comedy because everyone needs a good laugh once and a while. Psych is a show about crime scenes, well more or less. Sean Spencer works with the police solving crimes using psychic powers with his friend, Gus. Sean and Gus also run a business called "Psych," hence the name, helping pedestrians with any problems that may need psychic assistance. However, Psych could be taken in two different ways. It could be taken as a shorter word for psychic, or it could be taken as the slang term psych, meaning just kidding. In this instance? It's both. Sean is no psychic, he is a normal, well I take normal back, he is a man with a good act to make a little money.
        Now this show probably doesn't sound that great. It is actually one of those "bad cop shows," because there is no suspense or anything. But that's why it's a comedy right? The great thing about this show is it references a million amazing nerd-ish things including books, TV shows, movies and certainly more! Most of the time when I watched Psych it was just for the references, that and it really is a funny show. It is certainly different!
        Fun fact: in every episode of Psych somewhere in the background there is a pineapple, sometimes more than one. This ranges from a pineapple on the floor, a pineapple smoothie, a pineapple shirt someone's wearing, a sign, etc. Pineapples galore! When Psych used to be aired on television, there was a number where you could call if you spotted the pineapple of that episode and could win prizes. And so the tradition lives on for the show!
        As said before this doesn't really sound like the world's greatest show. Yet I would advise all of you to find time to watch it on a rainy day, or a sunny day, or at night, or whenever you want to because it is a great show. It is so different, and therefore it is difficult to describe. I'm sure you know what that is like with friends ,if nothing else. "That John, hes's....John." Well that TV show Psych, it's...Psych.

~Enjoy some of your summer.
        -You better bet I will be on here tomorrow, I miss you guys!

My Dearest Apoligies

        Hello, my nerds, and happy Tuesday. I am ashamed to say this but as you all noticed, I have been offline for quite a while, almost 6 weeks if you would like a number. If you ask me that is 6 weeks too many offline! I am so sorry I left you guys, I really do enjoy sharing all the odds and ends I love with you guys, and no excuse would ever be a good enough reason to leave you guys for that long.
        Honestly the reason I stopped was things were getting very stressful to where I had to prioritize what I had to do and what could wait. As said again no excuse would ever be a good enough reason, but when school got out things got hectic.
        Good news though, things are dying down a bit. About a week ago I was thinking about A Daily Dash of Nerd and missed it so much no words can describe it. After that I decided to put down enough time for you guys because I should be spending time on those who listen and care. Then, with my great luck, we had to disconnect the WiFi for a while to get a better connection, something, I don't know I'm tech savvy but not THAT tech savvy.
        Long story short I am incredibly sorry I had to leave and plan on staying now for a good while. Thank you all for waiting and still staying with me. Now I am going to finish this so I can post about fun stuff! Good? Good! Be back and a short amount of time.

~Yes, that means you get another blog post tonight!