Friday, June 6, 2014

It's Story Time: The Good Luck of Right Now

        I am so thankful it is Friday! Finally summer break too, woo! It is amazing and equally terrifying thinking I am officially an upperclassman now. Anyway, thank you so much for being incredibly understanding to yesterday, again my apologies for not posting! Today I am feeling extremely better though, so it's back to blogging! Now you all should feel very loved and appreciative because I am going to share you a book that is practically sacred to me. The best part about it? Not many people know about this book, so this can be our little secret. The book title, you may ask? The Good Luck of Right Now, Matthew Quick.
        The name of the author may sound familiar from the movie Silver Linings Playbook, adapted from Matthew Quick's novel The Silver Linings Playbook. Similar to Bastille with the song Pompeii and to Owl City with the song Fireflies, Matthew Quick is filled with multiple other creative stories other than his 'single success.' Yes, I did just compare two totally different artists to a book, because either way this form of art is designed to express oneself and to tell a tale.
        This 300-page fiction novel is seen through the eyes of Bartholomew Neil. For almost 40 years Bartholomew Neil has only been living with his mother and visiting the library. Time goes on and Bartholomew's mother begins calling him Richard for reasons unknown. Unfortunately before this question is answered, Bartholomew's mom passes away, leaving him alone and unable to cope with the grief so it seems. As Bartholomew is searching through his mother's things, this mysterious Richard may be answered by a "Free Tibet" letter he finds. As Bartholomew tries to carry on with his life, he begins writing overly personal fan letters to Richard Gere. Many heartbreaking moments are seen from the multiple tragedies Bartholomew Neil has faced in life, yet many heartwarming experiences are also seen by his adventures. Thinking it is beneficial to reach out for more family, Bartholomew travels out of town with a few new friends to find his biological brother. However, much more is found on this adventure.
        You know how some books you instantly 'get into' yet others just don't seem to 'click' as much? Honestly, at first this book did not 'click' for me. I thought it was poorly written and 150 pages in I almost stopped reading it from still not quite understanding the plot line. To me, it seemed like there were so many unfortunate events going on for Bartholomew, yet they were all possible in real life. This didn't make sense to me because it is very unlikely one person would go through so much trauma in a lifetime. Then I realized what Matthew Quick was doing and it was absolutely brilliant. I highly recommend this book, because I ended up rereading it and loving it. I also highly recommend reading this priceless piece of art because it teaches that through each and every downfall the world throws at you, you can always stand up again and get though it okay.
        Before you jump into this book, I would like all of you to be aware that it contains profanity and also a bit of religion. Although this novel does NOT preach on either of these subjects, please be aware of that when reading.

~Have a wonderful afternoon my nerds, and who knows, I may come back later tonight.


  1. Hi, Sarah!
    I've read some of your blogs being redirected from Aidan's Owl City Fan Club Blog ( I know this is kind of late but I've read that thing about his contest for his new signature in his site. Actually, I was just in Google searching for images for Owl City's new EP when I noticed his site banner (We don't tweet, We hoot), and now I'm here. =)

    I find it weird yet awesome because my twitter account has that same words as Description which I've written since its birth. The only difference is the pronoun used. hahaha!

    So reading through your blog, I'm not sure if you're willing to make new acquaintances over the internet, but I'm Gianelli. =)
    I'm from the Philippines by the way.
    Have a great weekend! ^_^

    OH! Almost forgot. July 4th is Filipino-American Friendship Day for us. Aaaand... I still haven't checked where you live. haha. Sorry. XP
    But hey, do we need a holiday to make friends? =)

  2. Hello, Gianelli! It is so wonderful hearing you made it to my blog! And yes of course I am willing to make acquaintances via the internet. So hi, I'm Sarah, but you already knew that xD have a great summer and life and whatever else until I hear from you again haha. It is way past July 4th now but thank you! I do live in the US, and no we don't need a holiday to make friends (thank goodness because this reply is way overdue). I apologize for not posting in well, forever! I had so much to do and then we had our internet turned off last week. But I am back and plan on making as much time for this blog as possible! Email me if you want to talk more!
