Friday, May 30, 2014

Finally Friday!

        Hey so it's finally Friday! Now that you all are done thinking about school for a bit, how bout I get yah thinking about something else? Today I just decided to post about what's on my mind, yep. Enjoy.
        There are 7.2 some odd billion people on this planet yet deep down every single one of us feels alone, but why? Communication through technology was originally created to unite the human race and to an extent it did. It made friends overseas just one simple call away, but where did your friends next door go? So often, we find ourselves looking down at our phone, me included, because it is where everything is going on. Yet to look up again, realizing what you truly missed.
        Nowadays people take pride in their 459 Facebook friends or 1352 Instagram followers, etc. It is great, to think that so many people surround you and love you. Yet have you ever taken a second to look up from your phone to see that you are the only one in the room? The world has evolved into being incredibly social...but at the same time utterly antisocial.
        In the world we live in today, even elementary students stay inside to play with their tablets or Iphones, watch TV or play video games. If the following generations are accustomed to this addiction everyone has with technology, what will  happen to the outside world? Everyone will be talking to each other...but at the same time everything will be completely silent.
        So put your phone down for a while, catch up with your good friends. Go outside and enjoy what mother nature has to offer while you still can.

~Really though go outside and have a great weekend

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