Thursday, May 29, 2014

Storytime Thursday: The Fault in Our Stars (TFIOS)

        Book appreciation day, yay! I would like to dedicate this blog post to the book The Fault in Our Stars, written by the brilliant John Green. John Green wrote this insightful book and he has written others, of which I will eventually get back to on. He has a lovely writing style too! I'm not quite sure how to write this because my mind is just going "DIGUHSDKJHSDKFJHSD AMAZING BOOK SDOIFHSDOFJHSDFKJSDN JOHN GREEN." Ladies and gentlemen, you know a book is great when I openly admit to fangirling. I don't fangirl, but when I do it's about cool stuff, so it's all good...right?
        Back to TFIOS, it is seen through the eyes of sixteen-year-old Hazel Grace. However, her life is everything but normal for she unfortunately has cancer. On most days, Hazel spends her days inside reading her favorite book. Yet, Hazel's mom pushes her to go outside and do more activities while she has the chance. One day, Hazel goes to Cancer Kid Support Group and meets the dashing Augustus Waters. Augustus Waters, the boy who turns Hazel's life around into thrilling, fun, and even tragic adventures of what it means to be alive and in love.
        Guess what, it is a better love story than Twilight too! Haha sorry to hate, just had to point it out. It is definitely not your stereotypical chick flick, I have gotten reviews from multiple men who have enjoyed reading this book too. Here's a fun fact for y'all: John Green had the inspiration to call his bold book The Fault in Our Stars from Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar when Brutus says "the fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, / but in ourselves, that we are underlings" (act 1, scene 2).

~Thankful Thursday: I am thankful for pizza...and Netflix. Of course I'm thankful for all of you and the million tiny things in this world too!
        -Keep fighting, nerdfighters.

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